Snake Game in JavaScript

For a coding challange I decided to write the classic snake game in an hour or less (code might not be as nice as it could be). I’ve only ever written a basic game before so I thought snake would be a good choice to get some practice.

The first thing needed is an animation loop to run the game:

function createLoop(mainFn) {
  let last =;

  (function loop() {
    const now =;

    mainFn(now - last);
    last = now;

Since snake is a grid based game, I decided to make a basic grid object to handle drawing the cells. This takes care of cell sizes so all the game needs to care about are the coordinates.

function createCanvasGrid(parentNode, width, height, size = 10) {
  const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  const context = canvas.getContext("2d");

  canvas.width = width * size;
  canvas.height = height * size;
  canvas.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");


  return {
    width: () => width,
    height: () => height,
    keydown: (fn) => canvas.addEventListener("keydown", fn),
    fill: (cell, fillStyle = "#fff") => {
      context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
      context.fillRect(cell.x * size, cell.y * size, size, size);
    clear: () => {
      context.fillStyle = "#000";
      context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    write: (cell, text, style = {}) => {
      context.textAlign = style.textAlign || "left";
      context.font = style.font || "48px sans-serif";
      context.fillStyle = style.fillStyle || "#fff";
      context.fillText(text, cell.x * size, cell.y * size);

I also needed a couple of utlility functions. One to get a random int (used for picking a random cell for the food) and one to check if cells are equal:

function getRandomInt(min, max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

function isCellEqual(cellA, cellB) {
  return cellA.x === cellB.x && cellA.y === cellB.y;

Finally, the actual snake game:

function createSnakeGame(parentNode) {
  const drawInterval = 1000 / 15; // 1000 ms / 15 fps
  const grid = createCanvasGrid(parentNode, 40, 25, 15);
  const drawSnake = () => => grid.fill(cell));
  const drawFood = () => grid.fill(foodCell, "red");

  let snake = [
    { x: 2, y: 0 },
    { x: 1, y: 0 },
    { x: 0, y: 0 },
  let isDead = false;
  let speedX = 1;
  let speedY = 0;
  let timeToNextDraw = 0;
  let foodCell = getRandomEmptyCell();

  function reset() {
    isDead = false;
    snake = [
      { x: 2, y: 0 },
      { x: 1, y: 0 },
      { x: 0, y: 0 },
    speedX = 1;
    speedY = 0;

  function drawGameOver() {
    const center = {
      x: grid.width() / 2,
      y: grid.height() / 2 - 2,

    const centerSub = {
      x: grid.width() / 2,
      y: grid.height() / 2 + 2,

    grid.write(center, "Game over", { textAlign: "center" });
    grid.write(centerSub, "Press space to continue...", {
      textAlign: "center",
      font: "bold 14px sans-serif",

  function drawScore() {
    const score = (snake.length - 3) * 10;
    const bottomRight = {
      x: grid.width() - 1,
      y: grid.height() - 1,

    grid.write(bottomRight, "Score " + score, {
      textAlign: "right",
      font: "bold 12px sans-serif",
      fillStyle: "lightblue",

  function getRandomEmptyCell() {
    let randomCell;

    if (snake.length >= grid.width() * grid.height()) {
      throw "No more empty cells!";

    do {
      randomCell = {
        x: getRandomInt(0, grid.width()),
        y: getRandomInt(0, grid.height()),
    } while (snake.some((cell) => isCellEqual(cell, randomCell)));

    return randomCell;

  function checkIfDead() {
    const head = snake[0];

    return snake.slice(1).some((cell) => isCellEqual(head, cell));

  function setSnakeSpeed(x, y) {
    // Ignore if trying to go back on self
    if ((speedY === 0 && y !== 0) || (speedX === 0 && x !== 0)) {
      speedY = y;
      speedX = x;

  function moveSnake() {
    const currentHead = snake[0];
    const head = {
      x: currentHead.x + speedX,
      y: currentHead.y + speedY,

    if (head.x >= grid.width()) {
      head.x = 0;
    } else if (head.x < 0) {
      head.x = grid.width() - 1;

    if (head.y >= grid.height()) {
      head.y = 0;
    } else if (head.y < 0) {
      head.y = grid.height() - 1;


    if (isCellEqual(foodCell, head)) {
      foodCell = getRandomEmptyCell();
    } else {

  function main(dt) {
    timeToNextDraw -= dt;

    if (timeToNextDraw <= 0 && !isDead) {
      timeToNextDraw = drawInterval;
      isDead = checkIfDead();


      if (!isDead) {

      } else {


  grid.keydown((e) => {
    const keyCodes = {
      // Up
      40: () => setSnakeSpeed(0, 1),
      // Right
      39: () => setSnakeSpeed(1, 0),
      // Up
      38: () => setSnakeSpeed(0, -1),
      // Left
      37: () => setSnakeSpeed(-1, 0),
      // Space
      32: () => isDead && reset(),

    if (e.keyCode in keyCodes) {


And to run it:


That’s it! Overall the code is 208 lines long which isn’t too bad.

Finished game

Click on the game and then use the arrow keys to control the snake (no mobile support as only had an hour to code it).
